15+ Intercessory Prayer Points for the Church (with prayers)

By Faith Way

Prayer is a vital component of the Christian faith and an essential tool for building and strengthening the church.

Intercessory prayer, in particular, is a powerful act of love and solidarity as we lift up our fellow brothers and sisters in prayer.

When we come together in prayer, we demonstrate our unity and solidarity as a body of believers, and also invite the presence and power of God into our lives and the lives of others.

Through intercessory prayer, we bring our concerns, struggles, and needs before God and trust in His wisdom, love, and power to work on our behalf.


As we pray, we experience peace, comfort, and hope, knowing that God hears our prayers and will work all things together for good.

So let us approach the throne of grace with confidence and persistence, lifting up each other and the church in intercessory prayer.

So, if you are looking to deepen your prayer life or you are just searching for a few quick prayer points for your fellow church members to make a powerful impact in their church community. Look no further.

In this blog post, we will explore intercessory prayer points specifically designed for the church.


Prayer is a vital component of spiritual growth and unity within the body of Christ, and intercessory prayer takes it a step further by interceding on behalf of others.

Whether you are a seasoned prayer warrior or just starting on your journey, these prayer points will equip you with the tools to effectively intercede for your church and its members.

Get ready to unleash the power of prayer and witness transformational change in your church community.

Table of Contents

Understanding Intercessory Prayer


Intercessory prayer is a powerful and essential aspect of the church’s spiritual journey.


It involves praying on behalf of others, seeking God’s intervention and guidance for their needs and concerns.

In this section, we will delve into what intercessory prayer is and highlight its importance within the church community.

What is Intercessory Prayer?

Intercessory prayer can be defined as fervently and persistently praying to God on behalf of others.

It is an act of selflessness, where individuals lift up the needs, struggles, and desires of others to the Lord.


Intercessors serve as spiritual warriors, standing in the gap and interceding for others as a means of bringing about God’s will and blessings in their lives.

Intercessory prayer goes beyond personal petitions and focuses on the needs of others, whether it be for physical healing, emotional restoration, guidance, or deliverance from spiritual warfare.

It is a sacred act of love and compassion, connecting people to the heart of God and His desire to bring about transformative change in the lives of His children.


The Importance of Intercessory Prayer in the Church

Intercessory prayer plays a crucial role within the church setting, fostering unity, spiritual growth, and a deeper relationship with God.

Here are some key reasons why intercessory prayer is significant for the church:

Spiritual Warfare: The church faces various challenges and spiritual battles, both corporately and individually.

Intercessory prayer equips believers to fight against the forces of darkness and stand firm in their faith.

Through intercession, the church can overcome obstacles, break strongholds, and experience spiritual victory.

Unity and Fellowship: Intercessory prayer encourages a sense of community and fellowship among believers.

As individuals come together to pray for one another, they build deeper connections and support one another in their spiritual journeys.

This unity strengthens the overall fabric of the church, creating a solid foundation of love and mutual care.

Spiritual Revival: Intercessory prayer has the power to ignite spiritual revival within the church.

As believers seek God’s face and earnestly intercede for spiritual awakening, hearts are transformed, lives are renewed, and the church experiences a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

Intercessory prayer lays the groundwork for the manifestation of God’s presence and His miraculous work in the lives of His people.

God’s Guidance: Intercessory prayer allows the church to seek God’s guidance and discern His will for various situations and decisions.

By seeking His wisdom and direction, believers can make sound choices and be led by the Holy Spirit in all aspects of church life, including leadership, ministry endeavors, and outreach efforts.

Make no mistake, intercessory prayers forms a vital clog in the church.

It connects believers to the heart of God, strengthens our faith, fosters unity, and enables us to actively participate in God’s redemptive work.

Through intercession, the church can experience the power of God in extraordinary ways, bringing about healing, restoration, and the fulfillment of His purposes.

Intercessory Prayer Points for a Powerful and Impactful Church

Praying for Spiritual Growth

As believers, one of the most important aspects of our Christian journey is our spiritual growth.

It involves deepening our relationship with God, growing in faith, and becoming more Christ-like in our attitudes and actions.

In this section, we will explore three key areas to focus on when praying for spiritual growth: praying for revival in the church, praying for unity and love among church members, and praying for spiritual strength and discernment.

Praying for Revival in the Church

Revival in the church is a powerful movement of the Holy Spirit that brings renewed passion, fervor, and commitment to the body of Christ.

It is a time when hearts are stirred, faith is rekindled, and lives are transformed.

When praying for revival in the church, we should ask God to pour out His Spirit, to ignite a hunger and thirst for Him, and to bring about a genuine desire for repentance and renewal.

Praying for Unity and Love among Church Members

Unity and love among church members are essential for the overall health and effectiveness of the body of Christ.

When we pray for unity, we ask God to mend any broken relationships, to reconcile differences, and to bring about a spirit of harmony and cooperation.

Love fuels unity, so we should also pray that God would increase our love for one another, enabling us to serve and support each other selflessly.

Praying for Spiritual Strength and Discernment

As we grow spiritually, we face various challenges and temptations.

Praying for spiritual strength and discernment is crucial in navigating these obstacles and staying rooted in our faith.

We can ask God to strengthen our inner being, to empower us with His Spirit, and to equip us with the wisdom and discernment needed to make godly decisions.

Additionally, we should pray for protection against spiritual attacks and for the ability to resist temptation.

In conclusion, when we pray for spiritual growth, we are inviting God to work in and through our lives.

By focusing on praying for revival, unity and love among church members, as well as spiritual strength and discernment, we position ourselves to experience a deeper relationship with God and to become more effective in our service to Him and others.

Let us be diligent in interceding for these areas and trust God to bring about genuine growth and transformation.

Praying for Wisdom and Guidance for Pastors and Ministers

Our church leaders bear the weight of making important decisions and providing spiritual guidance to the congregation.

They require wisdom and discernment to navigate various challenges and lead the church effectively.

As intercessors, we can pray for God’s abundant wisdom to be poured out upon them.

We can ask for clarity in understanding His Word and seeking His guidance in all aspects of their ministry.

Let us lift them up, asking the Lord to grant them discernment and insight as they lead God’s people.

Praying for Protection and Strength for Church Leaders

Leading a church is not without its challenges and spiritual battles.

Pastors and ministers often face opposition, criticism, and even personal struggles.

Therefore, it is essential for us to intercede for their protection and strength.

We can pray for a hedge of divine protection to surround them, guarding them against spiritual attacks and physical harm.

Let’s ask God to fortify them with His strength, enabling them to persevere in their calling and remain steadfast in the face of adversity.

Praying for Anointing and Empowerment in Ministry

The anointing of the Holy Spirit upon church leaders is vital for the effectiveness of their ministry.

It empowers them to preach the gospel, heal the sick, and lead the congregation closer to God.

As intercessors, we can fervently pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our pastors and ministers.

Let us ask God to fill them with His anointing, enabling them to minister with authority, conviction, and supernatural power.

By praying for their anointing, we contribute to the spiritual growth and transformation of the church.

As we intercede for our church leaders in these three areas, we play a crucial role in supporting their ministry.

Let’s remember to lift them up in our prayers regularly, seeking God’s wisdom, protection, and anointing upon their lives.

In doing so, we actively contribute to the growth and well-being of our church community.

Praying for Worship Services to be Spirit-filled and Inspiring

Worship services are at the heart of every church.

It is during these gatherings that believers come together to honor, praise, and connect with God.

As intercessors, we have the privilege to pray for these services to be spirit-filled and inspiring, creating an atmosphere where individuals can encounter the presence of God.

In our prayers, we can ask for the Holy Spirit to move mightily in the worship services, filling the hearts of the worshippers with a deep sense of awe and reverence.

Pray that the worship team will be anointed with the ability to lead the congregation into authentic and heartfelt worship.

Ask for God’s guidance in selecting the right songs that align with the theme of the service and that the lyrics will resonate with the worshippers, bringing them closer to God.

Praying for Effective Teaching and Preaching of God’s Word

In order to build and nurture the faith of the church community, effective teaching and preaching of God’s Word are essential.

As intercessors, we can pray for the pastors, teachers, and preachers who will be delivering these messages, asking for God’s wisdom, anointing, and clarity to flow through them.

Pray that the Word of God will be proclaimed with boldness and accuracy, touching the hearts and minds of those who hear it.

Ask for the congregation to have receptive hearts, ready to receive the truth and apply it in their lives.

Pray for divine revelation and understanding as the Scriptures are expounded upon, that lives will be transformed and faith will be deepened through the teaching and preaching of God’s Word.

Praying for Outreach and Evangelism Efforts in the Community

The church has a vital role to play in reaching out to the community and sharing the love of Christ.

As intercessors, we can pray for the outreach and evangelism efforts of the church, asking God to open doors of opportunity and grant favor in connecting with those who are in need of the Gospel.

Pray for boldness and courage for the church members as they engage in evangelistic activities.

Ask for divine appointments and the Holy Spirit’s guidance in sharing the Good News with others.

Pray that the message of salvation will be received with open hearts, leading to transformed lives and a growing community of believers.

Remember, prayer is a powerful tool that can bring about remarkable change within the church community and impact the lives of individuals.

As intercessors, let us faithfully lift up the church services and activities before God, knowing that He hears and answers our prayers.

Praying for the Church to be a Light in the Darkness

In a world plagued by despair, violence, and moral decay, the Church has the potential to shine as a beacon of hope and love.

Through prayer, we can ask God to empower the Church with His light, enabling it to dispel the darkness in people’s lives.

Pray for the Church to be a source of truth, compassion, and grace, reaching out to those who are lost and guiding them towards the path of righteousness.

Praying for the Church to Influence and Transform Society

The Church has the power to influence and transform society for the better.

Through prayer, we can ask God to grant wisdom, discernment, and courage to Church leaders and members.

Pray for the Church to have a positive impact on social issues, advocating for justice, equality, and compassion.

By engaging with the world around them, the Church can bring about meaningful change and be a catalyst for societal transformation.

Praying for the Church’s Missionary and Humanitarian Work

One of the Church’s core missions is to spread the message of God’s love and salvation to all corners of the globe.

Through prayer, we can intercede for missionaries and humanitarian workers who sacrificially serve in challenging environments.

Pray for protection, provision, and strength for those who dedicate their lives to sharing the Gospel and meeting the needs of the less fortunate.

By lifting them up in prayer, we can support their work and contribute to the Church’s global impact.

Praying for the Church’s impact in the world is a vital responsibility we all share as believers.

Through our prayers, we can actively participate in the work God is doing through His Church.

Let us lift up the Church, asking for God’s guidance, empowerment, and blessing as it seeks to make a positive difference in the world.

See: Scriptures on Prayer kjv

More Intercessory Prayer Points for the Church (with prayers)

Here are 15 intercessory prayer points for the church:

1. For the Church’s Unity

Dear Lord, we pray for the unity of the church, that we may be of one mind and one spirit, working together in love and harmony.

2. For Church Leaders

Father, we lift up our pastors, elders, deacons, and all those in leadership positions in the church.

We pray for wisdom, strength, and guidance for them as they lead us in Your ways.

3. For Spiritual Growth

Heavenly Father, we pray for spiritual growth within the church.

Help us to deepen our relationship with You and to grow in our understanding of Your Word.

4. For Protection

Dear God, we ask for Your protection over the church and all its members.

Shield us from harm and keep us safe in Your loving arms.

5. For Wisdom

Lord, we pray for wisdom for the church, that we may make wise decisions that honor You and bring glory to Your name.

6. For the Spread of the Gospel

Heavenly Father, we pray for the spread of the gospel, that many may come to know You and Your love.

We ask for opportunities to share Your good news with those around us.

7. For Revival

Dear God, we pray for revival in the church, that we may be filled with Your Spirit and live lives that bring honor to Your name.

8. For the Lost

Father, we lift up those who are lost and don’t yet know You.

We pray for the opportunity to share Your love and the gospel with them, that they may come to faith in You.

9. For Protection from Temptation

Dear Lord, we ask for Your protection from temptation and sin.

Help us to resist the temptations of the world and to live holy lives that honor You.

10. For Encouragement

Heavenly Father, we pray for encouragement for those who are struggling within the church.

Help us to be a source of support and comfort to one another.

11. For Financial Provision

Lord, we pray for financial provision for the church, that we may have the resources we need to carry out Your work and minister to those in need.

12. For Physical Healing

Dear God, we lift up those who are sick within the church.

We ask for Your healing hand to touch them, bringing them comfort and restoring their health.

13. For Emotional Healing

Father, we pray for emotional healing for those who are hurting within the church.

Bring peace and comfort to their hearts and help them to find healing in You.

14. For Protection from Persecution

Dear Lord, we ask for Your protection for the church in areas where it faces persecution.

Help us to stand firm in our faith and to bring honor to Your name.

15. For Godly Relationships

Heavenly Father, we pray for Godly relationships within the church.

Help us to love one another as You have loved us, and to build one another up in Your truth.

Related Post on Intercessory Prayers:

35 Short Prayer Points for Intercessors (with scriptures)

15 Intercessory Prayer Points for Sunday Service [with scriptures]

Frequently Asked Questions about “Intercessory Prayer Points for the Church”

What are intercessory prayer points for the church?

Intercessory prayer points for the church are specific topics or areas that individuals or groups can focus on during their prayers to intercede on behalf of the church.

Why should I pray intercessory prayer points for the church?

Praying intercessory prayer points for the church allows you to actively participate in supporting and uplifting the church community.

It helps strengthen the spiritual well-being of the church and its members.

How can I find intercessory prayer points for the church?

You can find intercessory prayer points for the church through various sources such as church websites, prayer books, devotionals, or by seeking guidance from church leaders.

Can I create my own intercessory prayer points for the church?

Absolutely! Creating your own intercessory prayer points for the church allows you to tailor your prayers to the specific needs and concerns of your church community.

What are some common intercessory prayer points for the church?

Common intercessory prayer points for the church can include praying for unity, spiritual growth, guidance for church leaders, healing for the sick, empowerment of the congregation, and revival of faith.

How often should I pray intercessory prayer points for the church?

The frequency of praying intercessory prayer points for the church is a personal choice.

It can be done daily, weekly, during specific church gatherings, or whenever you feel led to intercede on behalf of the church.

Are intercessory prayer points for the church effective?

Yes, intercessory prayer has the potential to be extremely powerful and impactful.

It allows believers to intercede on behalf of others and seek God’s intervention in specific areas of need.

Can I pray intercessory prayer points for the church individually or should it be done in a group?

Intercessory prayer points for the church can be done both individually and in a group.

Both approaches have their own benefits. Praying individually allows for personal reflection and connection with God, while praying in a group creates a sense of unity and collective support.

Can I use intercessory prayer points for the church in my personal prayer time?

Yes, intercessory prayer points for the church can be incorporated into your personal prayer time.

It allows you to expand your prayers beyond your own needs and pray for the wider church community.

Are intercessory prayer points for the church limited to specific denominations or can anyone use them?

Intercessory prayer points for the church are not limited to specific denominations and can be used by anyone who wishes to pray for the well-being and growth of the church.

Remember, intercessory prayer points for the church are a powerful tool to uplift and support the church community.

They allow you to actively participate in God’s work and make a difference through prayer.

Final Word on Intercessory Prayer

In summary, intercessory prayer is a powerful tool that the church can utilize to strengthen its spiritual foundation and bring about positive change in the world.

By understanding the importance of intercession and implementing effective prayer points, the church can experience growth, unity, and divine intervention in its mission.

Remember that intercessory prayer is not just about presenting a laundry list of requests to God.

But rather it is about aligning ourselves with His will and seeking His guidance in all things.

As we intercede on behalf of others and the church as a whole, we demonstrate our love, faith, and commitment to the body of Christ.

When crafting intercessory prayer points, it is crucial to consider the specific needs and challenges faced by the church.

This may include praying for spiritual revival, unity among believers, wisdom for church leaders, and the spread of the Gospel.

By focusing our prayers on these areas, we can see the church flourish and fulfill its purpose in the world.

Furthermore, intercessory prayer is not limited to the confines of the church building.

It should extend beyond the walls and encompass every aspect of our lives.

By integrating prayer into our daily routines, we can maintain a constant connection with God and seek His intervention in all circumstances.

Intercessory prayer points for the church are an essential component of spiritual growth and impact.

By embracing this practice, the church can become a beacon of light and hope in a world that desperately needs God’s love and guidance.

Let us commit ourselves to intercede fervently and faithfully, knowing that our prayers have the power to transform lives and shape the destiny of the church.

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