What does the Bible say about Ignorance: Kjv

By Faith Way

When it comes to the Bible’s teachings on ignorance, we see a call for a particular kind of knowledge gaining.

Ignorance is never seen as a desirable trait; to the contrary, it is seen as a stumbling block that must be overcome.

The Bible makes this point clear by admonishing those who do not seek knowledge and understanding, exhorting them to learn and grow.

God consistently calls on us to use our minds, to reflect and to question. We should never be satisfied with simply going along with what we are told; instead, God calls us to test and challenge the ideas and beliefs that we hear.

We are to seek knowledge and wisdom, growing in understanding of the world around us.

An important point that emerges from the Bible’s teachings on ignorance is the notion that knowledge and understanding are integral to a successful life.

The wise are often praised, while the ignorant are regularly compared to animals driven by instinct rather than thought or reason.

It is clear that knowing and understanding our situation is essential for making right decisions, and for living a life aligned with God’s wishes.

The Bible urges us to gain the knowledge to be able to think and act rightly, and to use our minds to avoid making bad choices.

It also reminds us that true knowledge requires more than the facts and figures of this world.

It must include a spiritual dimension, learning the will of God and seeking to apply it consistently in our lives. This is essential to gaining true wisdom and understanding.

The Bible expresses strong disapproval of people who are content to remain in ignorance.

It warns of the danger of complacency, asking us to beware of a lack of knowledge and understanding.

Ignorance can lead to disastrous consequences, and God wants us to do whatever we can to overcome and avoid it.

We must turn to God for wisdom and guidance, and develop a real knowledge of Him and of His will.

Ignorance can only result in bad decisions, so God calls us to seek knowledge and understanding, prayerfully looking for the answers He is willing to provide.


Dangers of Ignorance

Although it can be tempting to remain effectively ignorant and avoid the effort of gaining knowledge, the Bible teaches us that this is incredibly foolish.

Ignorance can lead to arrogance, crippling our ability to recognize our own limitations and mistakes.

If left unchecked, this can lead to even more serious consequences, such as poor decision-making and wrongful behavior.

Often, with ignorance comes a lack of understanding of our own mortality. Tied up in this is a lack of preparation for eternity; without knowledge, we cannot be prepared for where our lives will take us after death. To remain in ignorance is to remain in darkness, outside the promises and provision of God.

Finally, when we remain in ignorance, we fail in one of the most fundamental responsibilities that God has given us: to work at understanding the world and growing in knowledge.

This work is essential for us to become more like Jesus; if we ignore it, then we are standing on the spot.

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Confronting Ignorance

The Bible makes it abundantly clear that ignorance is a curse; understanding these dangers, Let us therefore take steps to confront and address our own ignorance.

We can do this primarily by first looking to God for wisdom and understanding.

We can also turn to human sources to gain knowledge.

Studying the Bible, reading academic works, listening to lectures and watching documentaries are all important avenues of learning.

We must also not forget the valuable knowledge to be gained through experience.

Having worked to gain knowledge, our next aim is to apply it.

We must reflect on what we have learnt and how we can use it, practically, to better ourselves and the world around us.

Rather than simply storing information, we should strive to understand and to live to our growing knowledge.

Finally, we must continually strive to increase our knowledge, as it is unlikely that we will ever reach complete understanding.

We will never reach a point where we no longer need to learn; instead, we must make learning and growth our regular activities.

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The Purpose of Knowledge

When we read the Bible, it is clear that knowledge has a specific purpose.

We are called to seek understanding not to show off or to amass facts, but rather to apply that knowledge in everyday life.

If we gain knowledge in this way, it has the ability to transform how we live as individuals and how the Church functions more broadly.

Knowledge can elevate us from being directed by mere instinct, and set us on the path of making wise and holy decisions.

We must also remember that knowledge has a deeper significance.

As we come to understand Creation, we come to understand more of our Creator, growing in knowing Him and His ways.

Knowledge ultimately points us to Him, deepening our connection and reverence for Him.

The purpose of knowledge is not only to increase understanding, but also to encourage righteous behavior.

If we can understand the true nature of God and His teaching, then this will drive us to act in blameless, God-honoring ways.

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Understanding Scriptures

If we want to gain knowledge and understanding, then the Bible should of course be at the forefront of our studies.

As we work to understand the Scriptures, however, we must remember to approach them properly.

We must firstly recognize that we must approach the Bible with humility and an open heart.

We must accept that we are limited beings, without full understanding, and so be willing to allow our beliefs and concepts to be challenged.

Secondly, we must put aside our own biases and preconceptions and instead allow God’s true words to come into focus.

We must seek to recant our understanding to bring it into line with God’s word, and to stay in agreement with Him.

Thirdly, we should humbly search for a deeper meaning in the Scriptures. We should look beyond a verse’s literal interpretation to seek to understand any greater truths and purposes it contains.

Finally, we should comparison scriptures with one another to ensure we are accounting for the fullness of God’s word.

Studying the Bible requires us to think broadly and to synthesize information from different places to form a cohesive understanding.

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Praying for Wisdom

Prayer is an invaluable tool for gaining understanding and wisdom. In our prayers, we should seek to understand the will of God on any topic, putting aside our own thoughts and asking for true knowledge.

We should also use prayer to follow-up on this knowledge, asking for the wisdom to apply His instructions faithfully and diligently to our lives.

Prayer should be instrumental to our ongoing growth of understanding.

The same is true of asking questions; coming to God humbly, we should be asking Him for clarity in any matters that we are confused on. This should certainly extend to physical matters, but also to spiritual issues.

Finally, we must bring others alongside us in our learning, asking them to join us in prayer and to help us as we strive to gain knowledge.

We should all be aiding each other in growing in the knowledge of God and His ways.

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